
Buyer Beware! Auction Tips Resources A Short History

ANY GOOD search engine will come up with a list of sites that deal in Cigarette Cards - some even that also offer a little background information on the hobby. Few of these though will be truly pertinent beyond their country of origin, despite the global nature of the web, with the majority adhering rigidly to a local "price guide" come sales catalog,  published by a major local dealer, which perhaps takes only marginal note of overseas tastes and trends and even less heed of actual auction results (even their own sometimes) - or maybe that's just our opinion. You must be the judge.

Local Flavor? Pinch of Salt !

To offer a guide to resources therefore becomes a little difficult in the light of this and having just ventured the advice to beware of a parochial outlook while searching the web we must recant a little by suggesting the best way to learn is the traditional method - by reading books on the subject. Most of the well researched ones were published in Britain and although many of the best of these have been out of print for some years copies or re-issues of many are still available from a few dealers based there.
Naturally they may concentrate on local companies and subject series of particular interest to their intended audience but they will, nevertheless go some way towards giving you a strong background knowledge of the subject. Overseas published Annual "Price Guides" doubling as sales catalogs should, however, be treated with some caution. Dealers from the same country they are issued in may often cite one as a basis for their own, albeit usually lower than book prices (one even said to us that most of the dealer prices overseas were "wrong" as they did not conform to his own local "bible") but they should be treated as a starting point only, with an overview on relative scarcity, and as a source of information on dates, numbers in a series, sizes  and so on - but not for firm "values".

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C. & N. Smith's
For the States, C. & N. Smith will be publishing a (also parochial) price guide and primer on collecting cigarette cards in the future. In the meantime, further background info on the hobby can be found  at two of the major sites publicized here.
As a matter of interest, both offer important guarantees of authenticity and originality on all the cards they sell and also have a policy against selling reproductions of any kind. By the way, Cigarette Card Central also has a unique WHOLESALE PAGE offering a great deal on BULK MIXED ODDS (all originals and from the First Half Century) for antiques and paper collectibles dealers. Don't miss it!

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A Veritable Cornucopia
of Cartophilic Delights!

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The "TOBACCO CARDS LINKS" Web Site makes a Good Starting Point and
should be Book-marked - especially as it also offers a daily entry $1,000
Monthly Cash Prize that's definitely worth trying for:-

Designers. Framers and Cigarette Card "Type Collectors", Don't Miss:

P.S. The Odd Spot also has a great WHOLESALE OFFER on TEA CARDS too!

For the Romantically Inclined, head over to this Internet Dating Site,


Need Something to Hold Them? Click on this Link:


Collection to Consign? Try The High Tech Approach

All material published on this web site is exclusive to C. & N. Smith and is protected by Copyright.